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Martin Jacobs

Martin is a painter who is interested in finding meaning in the plain, the poignant and the profound. Often embedded in place as a point of departure, Martin’s works explore and share his emotional connections, where with strong tonal composition and limited palette, the results reduce subjects to a structured, rational foundation.

“Not known, because not looked for, but heard, half-heard, in the stillness between two waves of the sea.” T.S.Eliot

He has participated in exhibitions over many years including at the Royal Watercolour Society of which he is a member (ARWS), Institute of Painters in Watercolour, Spink & Son, The Sunday Times Watercolour Competition, NEAC, ING Discerning Eye, Linden Hall Studio and has work in a number of collections including HRH Princes of Wales.


Royal Watercolour Society Award 2020 - Bankside Gallery

Cuthbert Mill Award

Jeffrey Archer Award